I put my solution here, try to build 32bit Unity3d and plugin. Recently I build Unity3d project in Linux 64bit. The project need to analysis web camera it only support MJPEG format, MJPG format seems could not be captured by using WebCamTextrure() directly on Linux. (By the way, MJPG format seems can be analysis on Windows 32bit/64bit normally.) So I developed plugin that using libjpeg to analysis web camera.
MySQL 自訂欄位排列順序
MySQL 中的 ORDER BY 可以針對欄位進行升序 (ASC) 或降序 (DESC) 排序,例如數字從小到大,或者英文字母從 Z 到 A 等。不過有時難免會有需要自訂順序的需求,列如希望排列的數字順序是 3, 5, 1, 2。
Unity3d Plugin in Windows and Linux
Recently, I need to write Unity3d plugin. My partner develops Unity3d Project in Windows system, but whole project needs to run in Linux system. This article will show you how to include Unity3d plugin under Windows and Linux.
First of all, you need to know that extension of Unity3d plugin is different in Windows and Linux. For example, we want to create a “cleanwind” plugin, in Windows it’s “cleanwind.dll“, but in Linux it’s “libcleanwind.so“.Here point is, the prefix “lib” must exist in Linux and not show in Windows.
Facebook Graph API 2.0 新增 taggable_friends
Facebook 近日將 Graph API 更新為 2.0 ,目前碰到的狀況是新的 App 在通過 Facebook 的審核前將不能直取得使用者說讚的內容與生日,取得好友發文標記的方式也將有所更動。
WordPress 文章自動貼到 Facebook
經過數天的等待,在 WordPress 發佈新文章時終於會自動貼到 Facebook 粉絲頁與個人的塗鴉牆。能夠做到上述功能的 WordPress 外掛應該不少,今天就先介紹 Facebook 官方的外掛。